Project Update – Newcastle Inner City Bypass Upgrade

Quickway have been awarded the contract by Transport for NSW to deliver the relocation of major utilities at the southern end of Newcastle Inner City Bypass project ahead of the main construction, with our works having commenced in July and due to continue until mid-2022.
Activities will include:
- Confirming the location for the protection of existing utility services along the new utility alignments & pole locations.
- Clearing trees to provide access for the utility installation.
- Removing the existing concrete median and constructing new road surfaces to realign traffic on Lookout Road.
- Installing traffic barriers to provide separation from workers and live traffic.
- Utilising specialised trenchless technology to complete works under Lookout Road to prevent disruption to traffic.
- Electricity relocation activities along Lookout Road and McCaffrey Drive.
- Conventional trenching for utilities across Lookout Road and Grandview Road.
- Traffic management works to facilitate construction operations.
Specialised equipment will be utilised to install major utilities while maintaining traffic capacity around the project. The alignment for these critical utility relocations were determined from studies of existing underground services and existing ground conditions. The project will be delivered predominantly during normal working hours with some night shifts required for critical staging for the safety of workers and road users to minimise traffic delays.