Contract Awarded – Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport Construction Power Enabling Works

Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport Construction Power Enabling Works contract award
Quickway have been awarded the contract by Sydney Metro to deliver the Construction Power Supply Works for the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project. Construction work is expected to start in early January 2022 and continue until later in the year.
Specialised tunnel boring machine (TBM) equipment used to construct tunnels for the new metro line will require a dedicated power source. New cables will be installed to supply power to the Orchard Hill construction site, and the Western Sydney International tunnel portal construction site.
The project includes power supply works at six different sites in Claremont Meadows, Orchard Hills, Kemps Creek, Badgerys Creek & Bringelly.
It includes:
– Digging trenches and installing new conduits to hold the new cables
– Backfilling trenches and restoring the areas
– Installing small power kiosks at Metro construction sites.
Sydney Metro artist’s impression of the Aerotropolis Station