City 2 Surf

Well done to our team who ran Sydney’s City2Surf between the CBD and Bondi Beach on Sunday 14th August. This year our chosen charity was CDH Australia. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) means being born with a hole in the diaphragm. This rare birth condition has a survival rate of 50%. CDH Australia fund important research, create educational content, host national forums, provide support services, and deliver hope. See more about what they do here
Well done to Matthew Macinnes who was first across the line within our group, with an impressive time of 1 hour and 15 seconds. Our fastest in the over 45 years of age group was Danny O’Shea who crossed the line in just under 1 hour and 10 minutes. Many thanks to all our team who participated and to all those who contributed to CDH Australia. For anyone wishing to donate, you can still do so by clicking on