Project Completion – Angels Beach Drive and Bangalow Road Intersection

Quickway is happy to announce the recent completion of the Angels Beach Drive and Bangalow Road Intersection upgrade which we carried out for Ballina Shire Council.
The roundabout upgrade project has improved traffic flow, safety, and congestion through the busy Ballina roundabout.
This project is part of Council’s ongoing commitment to upgrade and improve its local road network. The improvements will help accommodate future traffic volumes generated by urban growth areas.
The works included:
- Construction of dual lanes on Bangalow Road between Kerr Street and Angels Beach Drive.
- Extending dual lead in/lead out lanes for the roundabout north on Angels Beach Drive and east on Bangalow Road.
- A new central median on Bangalow Road. The Bangalow Road/Clark Street intersection is now left in/left out only (no right turn).
- Extending Sheather Street to intersect with Angels Beach Drive to provide a left in/left out intersection.
Thanks to our team in the Mid-North Coast for their efforts in successfully delivering this project and to the community for their patience while these works were completed.