Contract Award – Newcastle Inner City Bypass, R2J Watermain & Multiple Utilities Package

Following on from our recent completion of Newcastle Inner City Bypass Early Works – Southern Utilities Relation project for TfNSW earlier in the year, Quickway have recently been engaged to undertake multiple utilities (Water, Sewer, Gas, Telecommunications) work as part of Fulton Hogan’s main works package on the Rankin Park to Jesmond section of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass.
Our scope of works on the project will include:
- 8km of Water and Sewer, including DN450 PE, DN406 MSCL, DN559 MSCL, and DN750 DICL.
- Conventional open trenching, case bores and HDD bore methodologies.
- Testing & Commissioning of new installations
- Decommission existing Watermain & Sewer
- Sewer connections and grouting of existing redundant pipe
- Construction/installation of 400 PE Enveloper for Jemena Gas to be inserted at later date.
- Communications (Telstra, Optus, NBN, TPG) – 620m of trenching excavation, conduit installation and backfill, including road crossings of Lookout Road
Work has recently commenced on the project, with completion expected in October 2023.