Contract Award – MR184 Bells Line of Road, Mount Tomah – Slope Remediation

MR184 Bells Line of Road, Mount Tomah – Slope Remediation
Quickway are happy to announce that we have recently been awarded a contract by Transport for NSW to undertake remediation / stabilisation of Slopes 33459, 93282 and 96403 on MR184 Bells Line of Road (BLOR) at Mount Tomah, New South Wales. The project forms part of the NSW and Australian Governments’ flood recovery programs to meet the needs of storm and flood impacted communities and industries across NSW.
Our scope of work on the project will include:
- Site establishment, Traffic Management Plans & Traffic Control
- Locating and protecting public utility services
- Maintenance of the existing roadway including adjacent slopes (fill embankments and cut faces) for the entirety of the works
- Design, implement, maintain, and decommissioning/removal of temporary erosion and sedimentation controls
- Pre-construction and post-construction condition assessment
Work on the project commenced in June 2023 and is expected to be completed towards the end of 2023.