Project Completion – Bays 33kV TBM Power Energised

Quickway are proud to announce we have successfully commissioned both HVC kiosks at The Bays site in Rozelle for Sydney Metro West, which will provide the all-important power for the tunnel boring machines for the Central and Eastern Tunnelling Packages.
As part of these works Quickway completed the following:
- Over 2.8km of trenching & conduit installation,
- Dual Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) bores underneath Victoria Rd & Darling St,
- Supply & installation of 3 x precast joint bays,
- Over 9.5km of 33kV cable & 5.5km of fibre optic cable supplied, installed, jointed & commissioned,
- Supply, installation & commissioning of twin high voltage customer (HVC) kiosks
Quickway delivered these high-quality works ahead of program, under budget, with an excellent safety record and minimal interference to the local residents.
Sydney Metro Utilities & Stakeholder Manager Paul Rogers provided the following special praise for Quickway:
“The Sydney Metro West team would like to thank Quickway for all their hard work and collaboration in successfully energising the critical Sydney Metro West 33kV TBM Construction Power.
This is a huge milestone for the project. Sydney Metro started the design back in Sept 2019 and it’s a great achievement.”