Quickway Birthday

Quickway recently held an anniversary event in Sydney, marking 16 years in business. We used the opportunity to present to our existing and newer staff members the journey of the business to date, how the business has built capacity from its earlier days until present, the blend of services we provide, how the business diversified over the years to achieve this, and to look ahead to plans for the coming financial year and beyond.
Our presenters on the evening focused on our people and teams in the lesser-known Business Support end of our operations (which is often overshadowed by the Project Delivery activity) and provided an overview of the people and work activities in the areas of IT, Finance, HR, Resources, Training & Development, Traffic Services, and HSEQ. Our National Pre-Contracts Manager provided an in-depth presentation on the Business Development and Estimating department.
We also used the event to launch our 10 Year Club (a couple of years later than intended due to lockdowns) in recognition of the longer serving staff members who have been with the business for most, and in some cases all, of the journey, and who have contributed to the growth of the business in all areas of Project Delivery and Business Support. Our founder and Managing Director, Derek, along with the 8 members of the 10 Year Club have a combined service of more than 115 years at Quickway.